20 Free online medical courses for high school students

20 Free Online Medical Courses for High School Students

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In this beautiful article, I will provide you with 20 Free online medical courses for high school students.

As a high school student yet to enter med school, I wished to gain experience in med school but I did not have the chance. I never knew that there were free online medical courses for high school students. You might be a high school student wishing to learn medical courses online for free but don’t know where to learn them.

Even if you are a worker whose education was halted at the high school level then this article is for you.

Come with me and I will show you Free online medical courses for high school students. But first, let me clear the doubting questions in your mind and encourage you to pursue your passion.

Can High School Students take Medical Courses Online for free?

Of course, many platforms offer Free online medical courses for high school students. A good number of them are not aware of it.

The only issue is that some of these online medical courses are a little bit advanced and if they do not learn with much attention, they might find it hard to understand.

Nevertheless, anyone who puts his mind to learning would learn them.

Some of the platforms that offer Free online medical courses for high school students include the following:

Prerequisites for Enrolling in Free Online Medical Courses for High School Students?

Digitalization has made learning easier than before. Studying Free online medical courses has become easy. To study online we only need the following.

Age:  Studying Free online medical courses need a particular age range that you must be of or above to be able to enroll.  To enroll you check the age range and if suitable, you enroll.

English proficiency: A majority of the platforms I have given you teach in the English language.  To learn these medical courses online with them, you have to understand English properly.

A mobile phone or laptop: As every online course demands. To study these courses you need to have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Good Internet Access: Having a good device is not enough if you don’t have good internet access. To access medical courses online you must have the internet to access the courses online.

Basic knowledge of science: An art student would find online medical courses a little difficult. Therefore good basic knowledge of science would help you out here as you would follow up the course better.

Subject interest: Before selecting we must first pick a course we have a good interest in.  Just selecting any online medical course would not do you any good. Find an interest and you will find your learning experience beautiful.

How much time does it take to complete a free online Medical Course for High School Students?

The time it takes to complete an online medical course is highly dependent on the course being studied, the institution offering the course, your learning speed, and the amount of time you invest in learning.

While it would be specific for its course, covering up the course quickly would be dependent on your course dedication.

20 Free Online Medical Courses for High School Students

1. Nutrition, Health, and Lifestyle: Issues and Insights

 About course: There is a saying ‘ You are what you eat.’ That all this course teaches us about that.  The course is simply about how Nutrition affects the health and lifestyle of an individual.

Aside from the complex relationship nutrition has with the health and lifestyle of an individual, the course also speaks of the role of nutrition in disease prevention and management.

If you want to better your knowledge in nutrition and health and improve your lifestyle generally and that of others then this online course is for you.

The course is one of the 20 Free online medical courses for high school students as you would learn the course free

Institution of study: Vanderbilt University on Coursera

Time duration of study: 6 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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2. Health Informatics in the Cloud

About course: Technology has brought about a change in every part of the world including our health care. Health Informatics in the cloud is one example of technology in Healthcare.

The course generally teaches that gains of cloud computing in healthcare ie increased efficiency, improved patient care, and lowered cost.

The instructors would walk you through different modules that teach you a lot of things including the benefits of cloud computing, uploading, storing, and sharing medical results to the cloud, and the risks that are associated with cloud computing.

Learning this course is self-paced and free. If you are intrigued about technology and health then this online medical course is for you.

Institution of study: Georgia Tech through Edx

Duration of study: 8 weeks, 5-7 hours per week

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3. Health and Society

About course: We cannot speak of health without first speaking of society. Because of course, there is no health without society.

The course addresses the impact of societal, economic, and cultural factors on health.

Within the course, you would learn different things like how factors like race, ethnicity, and income affect the health of people and how health varies across the globe.

The course is very important if you wish to be a public health care worker.

Institution of study: University of Western Sydney

Duration of study:6 weeks, 3-4 hours per week

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4. Health and Wellness

About the course: Health and Wellness is one of the 20 Free online medical courses for high school students

The course treats health and wellness strategies, practices, and concepts.

This health and wellness strategy aims at helping the individual understand how to have all round( physical, mental, and emotional) health.

Within the course are topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress management,  disease prevention, sleep hygiene, and healthcare all aimed at promoting better health.

Institution of study: Arizona State University

Duration of study: 4 weeks, 4-5 hours per week

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5. Pandemics, Biotechnology, and Global Health

About course: Next in line of Free online medical courses for high school students. The complexity of this course is beautiful.

The course is made up of three different disciplines as implied in the name (Pandemics, Biotechnology, and Global Health)

It first teaches about Pandemics and then speaks on the role of Biotechnology in detecting and preventing them. And how this helps in the overall improvement of global health.

In the course of the lectures, you would learn to understand the nature of Pandemics, their impact on global health, the role of Biotechnology in detecting them, and others.

Institution of study: University of Edinburgh

Duration of study: 5 weeks, 3-4 hours per week

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6. Medical Neuroscience

About the course: I am still astonished that a course such as this is a free online medical course.  Well, it is what it is.

Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system.

Medical neuroscience is the complex study of this nervous system and the function it performs in health and diseases.

The course is quite vast, and to explain this course they have to go through a range of courses so the learner would understand.  These courses include Anatomy and Physiology of the nervous system, the organization of the central nervous system, and others.

Within the course, you would also learn about nervous diseases like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Although the course is a little bit complex you will find it interesting.

Institution of study: Duke University

Duration of study: 16 weeks, 4-7 hours per week

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7. Human Anatomy

About the course: Human anatomy studies the structure and function of the body comprehensively.

This could include the study of the organs of the body, the cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, reproductive systems, and others.  So expect to learn these systems there.

This course is so important that medical students, nursing students, medical laboratory science students, and other health professionals offer it in med school.

If this course interests you then you can go on with it.

Institution of study: University of Michigan

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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8. Science of Exercise

About the course: Science of Exercise is one of the free online medical courses. Its name is quite simple but the course is deeper than that.

The course teaches about the body’s reaction to physical exercise i.e. biochemical, physiological, and biomechanical responses.

Topics taught here may ensure you understand the effect exercise has on the body’s systems and the role of exercise in health and disease prevention.

If this course interests you, do well to enroll.

Institution of study: University of Colorado Boulder

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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9. Understanding Clinical Research Behind The Statics

About the course: This online medical course is as simple as the name. Understanding Medical research studies the methods of medical research and principles behind how medical research is conducted.

Topics treated in this course would be related to medical research, its study, data collection, and data analysis and interpretation of your results.

This course is quite interesting and studying it would be a great deal of help especially if you wish to conduct research in the future.

Institution of study: University of Cape Town.

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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10. Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems

About the course: This online medical course studies in great depth, the musculoskeletal and the Integumentary system of the body.

The topics treated in this course would explain the bones, muscles, skin, nail, and hairs and their relationship between them.

As a future medical student learning this course would be beneficial to you as the topics you will treat in medical school will be related to this.

Institution of study: University of Michigan

Duration of study: 7 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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11. Principles of Public Health

About the course: Public health is a science that deals with the protection and improvement of people and their surrounding communities.

The Principle of public health is a course that is the core of public health and its principles.

Under this course, you will learn topics like biostatistics, epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, healthcare systems, environmental health, health policy, and global health.

Institution of study: Imperial College London

Duration of  study: 12 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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12. Understanding Dementia

About course:

As of now, about 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia.  I love this course for creating awareness about it.

Understanding Dementia is one of the free online medical courses that aims to teach its students about dementia, its symptoms, and its effects on people and their families.

Aside from teaching the types of dementia and the symptoms, the course teaches its impact on the individual emotionally.

You cannot help but appreciate the beauty of this course.

I would advise you to enroll in this course if you wish to understand people suffering from dementia and want to help them.

Institution of study: University of Tasmania

Duration of  study:9 weeks, 2-4 hours per week

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13. Epidemics, Pandemics, and Outbreaks

About the course: The corona pandemic dealt a serious blow to the world. After that pandemic, a lot of us would understand that courses like this are very important.

Epidemics, Pandemics, and Outbreaks is an online medical course that teaches in depth the threats in the world that infectious diseases cause.

Under this course, you are going to learn about epidemics, pandemics, outbreaks, their histories, and how to control and prevent them.

If you are interested in studying public health, global health, and epidemiology.

Institution of study: University of Pittsburgh

Duration of study: 7 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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14. Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship

About the course: One of the things a medical school would not teach you in-depth is entrepreneurship and that is where this course places a good role in your life.

This course teaches you how to view health care generally from the point of view of an entrepreneur.

It explains the problems healthcare faces in entrepreneurship and how they can be handled as an entrepreneur.

This is a course I will recommend to you as a high school student as it would give you an edge in the future over your mates.

Institution of study: Duke University

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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15. The Language of Health

About the course: This course is similar to one of the courses I would give you here in the long run ie ‘Medical Terminology

This course would teach you the language used by medical professionals, and communication skills. Very similar to the course medical terminology it would also teach you the origin of medical terms abbreviations, suffixes, and prefixes in medicine.

As a future health professional learning this course as a high school student would be very helpful to you.

Institution of study: Arizona State University

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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16. Global Health and Humanitarianism

About the course:  This is an online medical course for high school students that teaches its students to know the challenges and opportunities that are related to global health and humanitarian efforts.

These instructors do this by teaching their students the history of global health efforts and the main health challenges that underdeveloped and developing countries are facing.

If you are a high school student that is interested in having a future discipline in public health, then this course would soothe you well.

Institution of study: University of Manchester

Duration of study: 5 weeks, 3-5 hours per week

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17. Healthcare Delivery Systems

About the course: Recently there has been a rise in the Health care system that has poor organization and management. This online medical course helps solve this problem.

This course would teach you first about healthcare systems and then about organizing and managing them.  That is practices like

Students here also learn about how health care affects the population. It focuses on

If you ever wish to be a healthcare manager then this course is for you.

Institution of study: Arizona State University

Duration of study: 4 weeks, 4-5 hours per week

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18. Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life

About the course: The brain, the most important organ of the human body, is appreciated here.

In this online medical course, the instructors teach the students about the brain and its impact in everyday life, in-depth.

The course covers topics such as the structure and function of the brain, the neurobiology of learning and memory, and the impact of stress on the brain, and uses diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia to explain this.

Generally, if you as a high school student ever wish to venture into psychology, neuroscience or other fields then you will find this course important.

Institution of study: University of Chicago

Duration of study: 10 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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19. Nutrition and Health Part 1: Macronutrients and Overnutrition

About the course: I find this online medical course very important, and this is why. Nutrition is very influential in the health of man. Nutrition must be balanced, too much and there will be overnutrition, and with too little we have undernutrition.

The course handles nutrition but specifically overnutrition. In this course, you will learn about good nutrition, its importance, overnutrition, and its negative impacts on health.

They use disease examples like diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancers to show the impact of overnutrition on the health of an individual.

In summary, you would find this course important if you wish to venture into public health or nutritional counseling.

Institution of study: Wageningen University & Research

Duration of study: 6 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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20. Medical Terminology

About course: The jargon of any institution is an integral part of its communication and growth. The course medical terminology handles this.

Medical terminology is an online medical course that deals with the medical jargon used day by day by medical professionals i.e. the special vocabularies, and the suffixes, and prefixes added to them.

During the course of this lecture, you are expected to learn to identify the meaning of medical terms by breaking them down into their individual root word, prefix, and suffix and defining each of them.

This online medical course is very essential for high school students who aspire to become healthcare professionals in the future.

Institution of study: University of Minnesota

Duration of study: 10 weeks, 4-6 hours per week

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the shortest medical courses?

When we speak of short here, we speak of the time or duration it takes to study the course.

Several medical courses take a very short time to complete. They include the following and their time duration.

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ( 4-12 weeks)
  • First Aid courses (1-2 days)
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) courses (4-6 hours)
  • Medical Assistant courses (6 – 12 months)
  • Emergency Medical Technician (3-6 months)

In as much as these courses are short it doesn’t mean that they are so simple.

To study them you need to intensify your attention as a good amount of information is compressed into a small amount of time.

What are the 15 care certificate courses?

First of all, the care certificate is specific to England. They are a set of rules that ensure that health and social care workers have the knowledge and skill they need to provide effective, safe, and compassionate care to their patients.

They include the following:

  • Understanding Your Role
  • Your Personal Development
  • Duty of Care
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Work in a Person-Centered Way
  • Communication
  • Privacy and Dignity
  • Fluids and Nutrition
  • Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disabilities
  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Safeguarding Children
  • Basic Life Support
  • Health and Safety
  • Handling Information
  • Infection Prevention and Control.

Are online medical courses worth it?

Although some courses are preferably learned in class as experience plays a huge role in learning them, online learning of those courses is still almost as effective.

Be it medical or engineering, the advantages of learning a course online remain the same.

Which are:

  • They are more convenient
  • That is cheaper
  • There is learning flexibility
  • Students have better communication with instructors
  • Students can replay the videos to get what they did not understand etc.

Overall online medical courses are worth it. To make it worth more, try studying a course online that’s accredited.

What is the easiest medical course?

Remember no medical course is considered so easy.  But when I speak of difficulty here I speak of complexity.

Of them, all Phlebotomy is the easiest.  Phlebotomists are medical practitioners that draw blood from patients and the samples are transported into the lab for testing.

The time it takes to study this course is small as you would be done within a year.


If you are still in high school or have only finished your high school education, then there is hope. You could still enroll and learn online medical courses.

I have taken my time to write this article and I hope it helped you with the information that you need.

If there is anything that you need me to tell me in our comment section. Also, remember to subscribe to our newsletter Thanks.