20 Websites with Free Books for Students to Read Online.

20 Websites with Free Books for Students to Read Online.

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The fundamental skill of reading is one that has been sure to make everyone a mere child who embraces it greatly. Reading sparks knowledge, expands creativity, and enhances critical thinking.

To read effectively there has to be access to a wide variety of reading material which unfortunately has been limited for some people. In this blog post, I would love to bridge that gap by giving you the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online.

This blog will enable you to have access to different free reading websites for students which I believe you will find useful for your academic, physical, and personal development.

The beauty of this site is that not only do they provide you with a wide variety of books in an amazing form such as PDFs and audiobooks they are also very user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Importance of Reading for Students

The fundamentals of reading are evident in its numerous importance. As stated before, reading is essential for the development of the student personally and their educational journey.

It is a skill that goes way beyond formal education as it shapes the intellectual growth, language proficiency, and critical thinking of a good reader.

  • Expansion of knowledge:

The experiences we cannot have through age we can obtain through reading.  When one reads not only academic materials but different materials that come his way be it, fiction, nonfiction,  journals, articles, and others the student seems to have ideas on different aspects of life.

The student naturally has at least an open mind or an all-around knowledge of different cultures,  scientific concepts, and historical events and has a good perspective of things around him.

  • Language and Communication Skills:

Reading a certain language improves student communication and the student’s fluency in the language generally. It widens the horizon of their vocabulary, teaches them sentence structure, and pepper grammatical construction in language.

Remember this is not achieved by reading only one piece but by a formed habit of reading. A good reader is always better than his/her peers in terms of communication be it writing or speaking.

  • Cognitive Development:

By reading a student’s mental state is properly developed. This is done through the proper development of the child’s concentration, analytical thinking, and memory.

These all go a long way in helping the student in other aspects of life. For instance, the ability to concentrate and think analytically would help in skiving problems in the future.  Good memory is really necessary to make academic work easier and so on.

  • Vocabulary Enhancement:

Although this has been stolen softly in language and communication skills this is worthy of being reemphasized because of its importance.

With increased reading if regular reading by a student, the probability that they come across different vocabularies is high and this enhances their vocabulary.

These words when seen in the literature give the student an understanding of the words and the best context to use the word.

Regular application of these words in everyday life helps to integrate them as part of them, ensuring that they always have what it takes to communicate their minds wholly in writing and in speaking.

  • Empathy and Emotional Development:

Literature has different genres and the prose aspect of literature usually has a greater hand in this. There are different emotions that a good reading student will come across with regular reading.

This emotion might be that of pain,  sympathy,  love, or anger with an understanding of these emotions. They too learn to understand triumph and the emotions that come with it, failure and why they should keep away from it, etc.

This emotion generally when used gets the student the holistic development they need to move upward and survive in this current world.

  • Academic Excellence:

We spoke on reading and its influence on the development of a student’s memory,  analytical thinking, and concentration and guess what these things are all that are needed to thrive academically.

Memory allows them to remember what they have read, analytical thinking helps them solve difficult problems and concentration is what is needed to even think analytically.

Personal Growth and Well-Being.

Reading offers personal growth and well-being to the readers. With reading we are able to reflect on different ideas, and characters find the ones that resonate well with us, and grow upon them.

Have you ever experienced this, being in a totally different world when you open your novel or books? That is another power of reading, it can provide the solace and zoning out we need at hard times. This help keeps us sane. Reading also gives us the advice we need for our individual growth and development.

The Internet and its Impact on the Accessibility and Affordability of online books

The internet has greatly helped I’m the accessibility of books in this current age. Books are readily affordable even though they might have just been produced that day.

It is really sad that a good majority of us don’t take good advantage of this. This age is really one of the easiest to be great and stand out.  If you need to stand out let me show you how the internet has helped you to do so.

  • Instant Access to books:

The first of these advantages is the instant access to books online. Since the advent of the internet books have been the easiest to teach across the world effortlessly.

Unlike in the previous days when they have to be printed, sorted out, and then imported to a country before they become available there, books are just everywhere as the internet connection to the whole world. It is now left for. You as a student can pick any book you desire and read them. Anytime anywhere you wish.

  • Wide Range of Titles:

With the great availability of books has come a great variety of life. And variety we know is the spice of life.  These books are all here for us to spice ourselves, mentally, Physically,  Financially, emotionally, and academically.

While some may argue that this variety brings about information overload, I think that this information overload has been very helpful as we have access to a great amount of knowledge.

The book ranges from classic literature, contemporary fiction, non-fiction works, textbooks, research materials, and more, all in digital format, all being there to help develop us in ways that we accept.

  • Diverse Formats:

To make these books available alone without the different ways these books can be read is good, but even better as these books have been available in a variety of formats.

These formats include PDF, doc, etc.  The advantage of this format is going enable. These books can be read on almost any smaller device we have around us. Ranging from smartphones to tablets to laptops and others.

Not only does this make the books available for any device user but it makes the books available for even the seemingly impaired IE the deaf, the blind, etc.

  • Saves cost:

Online books, even paid ones, have proved to be way cheaper than physical books. The online books have many free versions and free libraries which I am about to show you in this blog.

These books can be gotten in these 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online which I am about to provide at the expense of only megabytes of your data.

Cheap, isn’t it? With lesser cash, you can in this present day purchase more books than someone with a good amount of salary in the previous days.

  • Digital Libraries and Open Educational Resources:

There is a variety of this in the modern day of the internet all beckoning to you as a student for a membership.

The numerous educational digital libraries all make it a lot easier for a student who wishes to find material he/she has a lot of places to go look for those materials. The variety has really been of help and I personally have experienced this.

  • Portability and Convenience:

Imagine back in the old days trying to carry about 20 books would have been one hell of a load.  When going for vacations you have to carefully select the books of utmost importance as the excess load would not be of help.

Now in this technological age,  you could have a thousand books in your pocket and all things have been compressed. This variety has made knowledge so vast, information is so portable and comfortable too. carry around.

You don’t have to select books anymore according to the scale of preference, but just use books according to how you wish.  This has been brought about by the digitality of books.

Online books have made the reading habit easier for someone in this generation to make. These reasons I have listed above, now the habit is left for you to make and I will always say,  it is easiest for you to be great in this generation than in any other one.

List of the 20 Websites with Free Books for Students To Read Online

Below is a list of 20 websites with free books for students to read online:

  1. Project Gutenberg
  2. Open Library
  3. ManyBooks
  4. BookBub
  5. Google Books
  6. Internet Archive
  7. Planet eBook
  8. Free-eBooks.net
  9. Scribd
  10. LoyalBooks
  11. Literature.org
  12. Bookyards
  13. FreeBookCentre
  14. Free Medical Journals
  15. OnlineProgrammingBooks
  16. FreeTechBooks
  17. Authorama
  18. FullBooks.com
  19. Librophile
  20. Project Muse.

20 Websites with Free books for students to read online

1. Project Gutenberg

About: This is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online that has about 60,000 e-books for students to read online.

It is one of the oldest free reading websites for students and has since then evolved to provide a variety of eBooks for students to read online.

The platform has a variety of e-books for students to read online and textbooks come in a variety of formats IE plain text, HTML, EPUB, and Kindle formats ensuring that books can be accessible with almost any device selected.

Types of free textbooks online: There are different free textbooks online pdf for students here these include.

    • Classic Novels
    • Poetry
    • Plays
    • Non-Fiction Works
    • Short Stories

Click here to download textbooks for free.

2. Open Library

About: This is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online but this one is in the form of an online library where free textbooks, online pdf, and numerous other books can be gotten. They offer a large variety of books and ensure that the books provided do not breach copyright laws.

The unique feature of this digital library is that books that wish not to be downloaded can be borrowed online and for a particular duration. The books are downloadable in different formats which include classic novels, poetry, plays, non-fiction works, short stories,

Types of free textbooks online: There are more than a million books on this website and they have different types which include:

  • Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
  • Academic Literature
  • Textbooks
  • Children’s Books
  • Reference Works, And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

3. ManyBooks

About: As the name implies the books here are many.  This is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online that is known not only for the number of books available here but for the variety of book genres here.

The general books available here are numerous as it must have one of your favorites among them. This is why a site is best when we know our preferred genesis but don’t know a particular book to search for.

The s books here are downloadable in different formats which include plain text, HTML, EPUB, and Kindle formats

Types of free textbooks online: There are various types of e-books available online here.  This variety is what spices the site up. The includes:

  • Fiction,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Science Fiction,
  • Fantasy,
  • Mystery,
  • Romance,
  • Self-Help,
  • Business,
  • History And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

4. BookBub

About: If you are a reader and you know about this site then I believe that you are one as this site is really popular among book readers.

This site is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online that has a birth of e-books for you too.

A good feature of this website is its ability to provide good book recommendations for students to read.  This ensures that a book lover is up to date with the best books available online.

Types of free textbooks online:

Booksbl bub provides a variety of books for students to read online these books include:.

  • fiction,
  • non-fiction,
  • romance,
  • mystery,
  • science fiction,
  • fantasy,
  • young adult, and more

Click here to download textbooks for free

5. Google Books

About: Google, the greatest search engine in the world has taken it upon itself to provide this one.  Google Books is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online and provides a variety of books for the students.

They have interesting features which are a very friendly user interface, good options for book searches, and different books for mates to download.  They also give articles,  Journals,  research papers, etc.

Types of free textbooks online:

Google Books cover diverse genres and subjects, including:

  • Fiction,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Academic Literature,
  • Textbooks,
  • Self-Help,
  • Business,
  • Biographies,
  • Science,
  • Technology,
  • Arts, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

6. Internet Archive

About: The archive of the internet. It has been there for a long time and has a variety of old books to prove this. The Internet Archive is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online books, texts, audio recordings, videos, and other digital content

This nonprofit free reading website is one home for a million different types of books including old and historical sort after books. It provides different ways of downloading these books like the PDF EPUB or the ki sleep format for offline e-reading.

Types of free textbooks online:

The types of free textbooks online here are numerous ad they include

  • Literature,
  • Fiction,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Academic Works,
  • Historical Documents,
  • Research Papers, And Much More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

7. Planet eBook

About: As the name suggests, this is indeed a planet of books, not just any book but timeless literary works. This site is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online as has proven itself by the vast array of beautiful literary works that are scalable here.

They have worked hard to make things easy for users as they have included a user interface that allows students f8 search for their e-books via authors’ names.

Examples of popular names here include Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Orwell, Leo Tolstoy, and others.

The free reading websites for ebooks have also included different formats for the download of these e-books to ensure accessibility in smart devices.

This includes the EPUB, MOBI, and PDF Format.

Types of free textbooks online

They include:

  • Classic Novels,
  • Novellas,
  • Short Stories

Click here to download textbooks for free

8. Free-eBooks.net

About: Next is our Free-eBooks.net. This site has an impressive amount of book genres in different types. Stepping your presence on the site you fall into a rollercoaster of indecision because of the number of interesting books they have here.

Not only do they have a good number of interesting books, but imagine that all these are free too.

The site also has books that are provided baked fresh from the fingers of publishers. You will enjoy your stay here.

Types of free textbooks online

There are different types of free books online here are:

  • Fiction,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Romance,
  • Mystery,
  • Self-Help,
  • Business,
  • Science Fiction,
  • Fantasy, And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

9. Scribd

About: This is another beautiful site among the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online. This reason comes from the site’s numerous books, all exquisite.

Like the previous site,  authors( self-made and already existent ) coexist with writers. This ensures that the site has a constant supply of books asked fresh from the mind of the readers within the site.

The only downside to this site which I don’t really consider is that you have to pay one subscription but after that comes unlimited access to the e-books there.

Types of free textbooks online:

The book available here include:

  • Audiobooks,
  • Magazines,
  • Documents, And Other Written Content

Click here to download textbooks for free

10. Loyal Books

About: Look at the formal name of this website. I am not surprised that its book collection is beautiful. Loyal Books formally known as Books Should be Free is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online.

This freedom is reflected in the diversity of the books they offer and the different means of accessing them. The website offers books in different formats for its users to enjoy. They also offer audiobooks aside from the EPUB, MOBI, and PDF.

Types of free textbooks online:

  • Classic Literature,
  • Contemporary Fiction,
  • Science Fiction,
  • Mystery,
  • Romance,
  • Fantasy,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Self-Help,
  • Children’s Books, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

11. Literature.org

About: Its name gives it up, Literature. It doesn’t really provide books science textbooks but other interesting books

Literature.org is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online, especially for book lovers.  They provide literary works from renewed authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, and many more.

Aside from doing well to provide books they also have a very user-friendly website that allows you to navigate easily and select the desired books of your choice without stress.

Types of free textbooks online:

They include novels, plays, poetry, and short stories

Click here to download textbooks for free

12. Bookyards

About: In the world of free online books, Bookyard has become a household name.  No wonder it is called a book yard as it is indeed a home of books.

Bookyard is one of the top 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online. It provides different ebooks and educational materials for the users to have a variety of resources when they need to.

Bookyard also has the authors and the year coexist in one space as this enables the users to have fresh write-ups of the authors.

Types of free textbooks online:

  • Fiction,
  • Non-Fiction,
  • Self-Help,
  • Academic Textbooks,
  • Reference Materials,
  • Science,
  • Technology,
  • History,
  • Philosophy, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

13. FreeBookCentre

About: A lot of academicians that are aware of this website should be thankful for the great amount of success that they have experienced in research and study.

FreeBook Center is one of the websites to download textbooks for free and provides research papers,  academic books,  and a whole lot of textbooks.

It is mainly for academic materials and provides them in different forms to be accessible offline.

Types of free textbooks online

They include

  • Science,
  • Engineering,
  • Mathematics,
  • Computer Science,
  • Business,
  • Economics,
  • Humanities,
  • Social Sciences, And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

14. Free Medical Journals

About: Medical Students are blessed with this one. It belongs to us.

This website is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online that is dedicated to providing medical journals, articles, research papers, clinical studies, case reports, and many other materials.  Mainly for the benefit of medical students.

Types of free textbooks online:

Medical specialties, including:

  • Cardiology,
  • Oncology,
  • Pediatrics,
  • Surgery,
  • Neuroscience, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

15. OnlineProgrammingBooks

About:  Recently the light of popularity has shone on programming all because of this technological age. Since programming seems new, the books might either be difficult to find or if fouls might be expensive.

OnlineProgrammingBooks has solved this problem. This website provided different books and materials on programming,  coding, etc for programmers all for free.

Not only do they provide free materials, but they also have tutorials and guidelines on how to program for early learners in programming, coding, or mobile app development.

Types of free textbooks online:

A few of the books available here include

  • Python,
  • Java,
  • C++,
  • JavaScript,
  • PHP,
  • Ruby, and more.

Click here to download textbooks for free

16. FreeTechBooks

About: This is another website for technology enthusiasts. It provides access to a good number of technologically related books,  lecture notes, and materials for students, professors, lecturers, and others interested to learn.

Types of free textbooks online:

Diverse subjects within the field of technology, including:

  • Computer Science,
  • Information Technology,
  • Programming,
  • Software Engineering,
  • Networking,
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Database Management,
  • Machine Learning,
  • Artificial Intelligence, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

17. Authorama

About: This too is one of those special websites. It is dedicated to literature from the finest minds. It provides access to a vast collection of literary works IE prose drama and poetry from well-known authors.

Types of free textbooks online: They include

  • Novels,
  • Poetry,
  • Short Stories, And Plays.

Click here to download textbooks for free

18. FullBooks.com

About: This too is one of the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online. It provides a wide variety of books for different minds to consume.

Walking into the site alone you get the aura of knowledge as the numerosity of books here would overwhelm your choice. It is fun to be here.

Types of free textbooks online:

  • Classic Literature,
  • Historical Novels,
  • Science Fiction,
  • Mystery,
  • Romance,
  • Biographies,
  • Self-Help,
  • Philosophy, And More.

Click here to download textbooks for free

19. Librophile

About: Libro means library and Phile love. This is the perfect place for any book addict.  Librophile is an online library that provides books on different genres and different styles all to feed your inquisitive mind.

The user interface of this website is beautiful and welcoming as it ensures that amidst the large number of books here finding your choice of books is quite easy.

Types of free textbooks online:

  • Classic Literature,
  • Contemporary Fiction,
  • Mystery,
  • Science Fiction,
  • Romance,
  • Self-Help,
  • Business,
  • Biography, And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

20. Project Muse

About: Project Muse is indeed a project.

This platform is really large and is dedicated to the provision of journals, educational materials,  textbooks, and others for scholarship to make good use of.

They have collaborated with over 280 publishers to bring about the number of haves there.

They also provide the materials in different forms did students to read offline with PDF being the most popular.

Types of free textbooks online:

  • Literature,
  • History,
  • Philosophy,
  • Anthropology,
  • Sociology,
  • Political Science,
  • Cultural Studies,
  • Arts, And More

Click here to download textbooks for free

Frequently asked questions.

Are these websites completely free to use?

Yes, a good majority of the websites I have provided you with here among the 20 Websites with Free books for students to read online are free to use. Only a few need a one-time subscription and with this affordable subscription, you have access to an unlimited amount of books.

Can I access these websites from any country?

Of course, the majority of them are accessible from all countries. The only issue is that these ebooks may be available in only one language therefore to access these books a good knowledge of English would really be beneficial. Sometimes too, there are copyright restrictions on books in some countries, but I bet this would not really affect you.

Can I download the books to read offline?

Yes, you can. A good majority of this website allowed for this feature. They allowed users to be able to download books in different formats that are usable offline. The formats I have mentioned a few times in this blog include the plain text, HTML, EPUB, and Kindle formats all accessible with the aim of making it more portable even as it is offline.

Can I access these websites on mobile devices?

Yes, I think the ending of the last question would do justice to this one. The EPUB, MOBI, and PDF formats of the boys make it really accessible to different mobile devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

Well not all, I mixed them. But they may be illegal for disobedience of the copyright laws. Among the ones I provided, they are few. A good majority of them are legal sites as they give our books in such a way as not to breach the copyright laws i.e. books with expired copyright laws etc.



Reading is a very good habit worth forming especially in this degenerate world where we are controlled by our quick stimulation of social media and our mobile phones.

In this current generation it is quite easy to rule as being a reader now is seemingly difficult. You might wish to read but not have the books to form this habit and that is where I come in.

In this blog, I have provided you with different websites to download free ebooks. I also encouraged you to be a reader by sharing the advantages of reading with you and how the Internet has made book accessibility less difficult for us. To you, reader cheers, see you at the top.